In Palo Alto, President Biden announces $2.6 billion for climate resilience, modernizing electrical grid
By Sue Dremann
President Joe Biden announced that his administration is investing more than $2.6 billion to fight climate change and to help communities become resilient during a stop at the Lucy Evans Baylands Nature Interpretive Center and Preserve in Palo Alto on Monday, June 19.
The Currys have the right to speak out
Basketball legend Steph Curry recently sent a letter to local officials expressing concerns about how a new housing development near his Atherton home could impact the safety and privacy of his family.
Social media swarmed at once. “How dare he,” was the collective response on Twitter, Facebook and beyond.
California State Auditor releases scathing report on RHNA process
Report finds housing goals are not supported by evidence
On March 17, Michael S. Tilden, the Acting California State Auditor, issued a blistering critique of the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and its Regional Housing Needs Assessments (RHNA).
The Auditor found problems in the HCD methodology that may have inflated RHNA requirements by hundreds of thousands of housing units.
“Our Neighborhood Voices” Initiative Webinar
Are you aware of the serious threats to YOUR home?
And to YOUR entire neighborhood?
Did you know that local voices are being silenced?
Learn More
Join the webinar on January 20, 2022 at 7PM on Zoom.
“Our Neighborhood Voices”
State Initiative
Thursday, January 20th, 7 p.m. on Zoom