“I’m voting for Lydia Kou for State Assembly in the 23rd district for two reasons. First, Lydia is a person of Character and Competence, with enough local and regional government experience to understand our Bay Area problems, without becoming complicit in worsening them. She helped us found 20BillionReasons, which prevented Regional Measure 4 from wasting 66.69% of the $48 Billion in taxes which would have been levied. She understands finance as well as governance, and that combination is sorely lacking in Sacramento today.
The second reason is because of who Lydia is NOT; she is NOT “Part Of The Problem” in Sacramento these days.”
Gregg Dieguez
I’m a longtime McCarthy-McGovern Democrat, who has become alarmed at the lack of Fiscal Sustainability in California and locally. Jerry Brown left us a large budget reserve, and Gov. Newsom has sunken us into a swamp of record budget deficits with his legislative programs. Marc Berman is part of that deterioration, by acquiescence if not by leadership. Along with others, Berman failed to take a legislative vote on PG&E cutting solar incentives, choosing instead to “let the CPUC decide”, when the CPUC is a borderline corrupt regulatory body complicit with PG&E. Along with others, Berman failed to understand the reinsurance market, and continued policies which drove major home insurers from the state, as well as raising our rates. Berman has also joined in fostering homelessness and housing policies which have wasted tens of billions of needed funds, and made living here even less affordable, while increasing wealth inequality.
Without Fiscal Sustainability, we cannot accomplish ANY of the social priorities we hope to address. Marc Berman has shown no understanding, nor leadership, in countering the wasteful policies in Sacramento. Lydia can help turn the tide back toward rationality in Sacramento. We need her vision and energy because, under our current state leadership, we’re losing many of the best companies and people.
For those of you who care about Identity Politics, Lydia is a woman of color, and Marc Berman clearly is neither of those things. Identity is not my priority in an elected official; I care about Character and Competence, and Lydia has high levels of both. Please vote for a Shift in Sacramento; vote for Lydia Kou.
Midcoast Community Council Vice Chair Gregg Dieguez, here expressing his own opinions, is co-Founder of 20BillionReasons, and co-Founder (in 2003) of the award-winning MIT Club of Northern California’s Energy & Environment Program, which became MIT’s largest alumni lecture series.
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