
Americans 4 Hindus Endorse Lydia Kou
“We are proud to endorse LYDIA KOU for the esteemed position of State Assembly for California District 23 in the upcoming 2024 elections. Lydia Kou has consistently demonstrated strong leadership, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of California and it diverse communities.”
Silicon Valley Chinese Association

American Independent Party

Gregg Dieguez Endorses Lydia Kou
“I’m voting for Lydia Kou for State Assembly in the 23rd district for two reasons. First, Lydia is a person of Character and Competence, with enough local and regional government experience to understand our Bay Area problems, without becoming complicit in worsening them. She helped us found 20BillionReasons, which prevented Regional Measure 4 from wasting 66.69% of the $48 Billion in taxes which would have been levied. She understands finance as well as governance, and that combination is sorely lacking in Sacramento today.
The second reason is because of who Lydia is NOT; she is NOT “Part Of The Problem” in Sacramento these days.”
Gregg Dieguez
Gus Mattammal (R)
Lydia Kou
“I was impressed that she was willing to put her own future in Democratic party politics on the line to fight for some of the same things I was fighting for: more local control over housing, more sensible tax policy in Sacramento, and accountability for spending on things like homelessness.” Gus Mattammal |
Lydia is proud to have support from the following people.
(Names and Titles are for Identification Purposes Only)
Current and Former Elected Officials
Greer Stone, Mayor of Palo Alto
Ed Lauing, Vice Mayor of Palo Alto
Eric Filseth, Former Mayor & Council Member, Palo Alto
Tom DuBois, Former Mayor & Council Member, Palo Alto
Athur Keller, Former Planning & Transportation Commissioner, Palo Alto
Stan Mok, Mayor, Los Altos Hills
Linda Swan, Council Member & Former Mayor, Los Altos Hills
Rowena Turner, Council Member, Monte Sereno
George Ting, EL Camino Hospital Board Trustee, Los Altos Hills
Michelle Wu, Former Mayor & Council Member, Los Altos Hills
Lynette Lee Eng, Council Member & Former Mayor, Los Altos
Anita Enander, Former Mayor & Council Member, Los Altos
Scott Spielman, Former Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Los Altos
Steve Schmidt, Former Mayor & Council Member, Menlo Park
Paul Collachi, Former Mayor & Council Member, Menlo Park
Quentin Kopp, Former Senator (1986-1998) & Superior Court Judge (1999-2009), San Francisco
Ann Schneider, Council Member & Former Mayor, Millbrae
Mike Griffiths, Council Member, Torrance, CA & Founder of CA Cities for Local Control
Kitty Moore, Council Member, Cupertino
Liang Chao Council Member & Former Vice Mayor, Cupertino
Darcy Paul, Former Mayor, Cupertino
Ray Wang, Former Planning Commissioner, Cupertino
Nancy Reyerling, Former President, San Mateo County Harbor District
Joseph Hirsch, Former Planning Commissioner, Palo Alto
Richard Peardon, Retired PAPD and Chief of VA Police
Bill Widmer, Councilmember and Former Mayor, Atherton
And So Many Neighbors and Community Leaders
Susan Adams, Palo Alto
Bruce Adornato, MD, Menlo Park
Claude Aguilera, Palo Alto
Arnoldo Alcazar, Palo Alto
Richard Alexander, San Francisco
Jessie & Jon Anderson, Palo Alto
Ann Balin, Palo Alto
Eiko Bao, Atherton
Louise Beattie, Palo Alto
Elizabeth Becker, Los Altos
Louis Becker, Los Altos
Richard Billington, Palo Alto
Krista Bluesmith, Santa Cruz
Kent Bossange, Saratoga
Dana Breen, Portola Valley
Davina Brown, Palo Alto
David Bubenik, Palo Alto
Suzanne Carlos, San Jose
Clayborne Carson, Palo Alto
Andrew Chang, Los Altos Hills
Thomas Chanian, Campbell
Dr. Stella Clavecilla, Los Altos
Diane Claypool, Los Altos Hills
Janet Corrigan, Los Altos
John Patrick Corrigan, Los Altos
Darlene Cowden, Los Altos Hills
Howard Cohen, Palo Alto
Christine Czarnecki, Palo Alto
Janet Dafoe, Palo Alto
Rana Davis, Los Altos
Kathleen & Roland Dow, Los Altos
Charles Drew, Campbell
Ann Duwe, Cupertino
Walter Eng, Los Altos
Walter Frank Eng, Los Altos
Sharleen Kaye Fiddarman, Palo Alto
Len Filppu, Palo Alto
Rosemary Finnerty, Palo Alto
Jeanne Fleming, Palo Alto
Tom Fowler, Palo Alto
Charmaine Furman, Palo Alto
Niki Gastinel, Portola Valley
JoAnne Goldberg, Menlo Park
Alla Gorinevsky, Palo Alto
Carol Gottlieb, Los Altos Hills
Maurice Green, Palo Alto
Anne Gregory, Palo Alto
Thomas L. Gutshall, Los Altos Hills
William Hadaya, Los Altos Hills
Jonathan Hahn, Menlo Park
Richard Hallsted, Palo Alto
Theresa Han-Sebti, Rancho Mirage
John Harpootlian, Los Altos Hills
Ellen Hartog, Palo Alto
Terry Holzemer, Palo Alto
Wendy Hu, Los Altos
Helen Ingwersen, Menlo Park
Ian Irwin, Palo Alto
CeCi Kettendorf, Palo Alto
Terry Kitagawa, Los Altos
Gabriel Kralik, Palo Alto
Jack Kwei, Los Altos
Chung Lam, San Jose
Lisa Landers, Palo Alto
Sally LaPierre, Mountain View
Ben Lerner, Palo Alto
Heidi Lerner, Palo Alto
Yugen Lockhart, Palo Alto
Edward Loizeaux, Los Altos
Gwen Luce, Palo Alto
Jean Lund-Drew, Campbell
Jo Ann Mandinach, Palo Alto
Joanne Marcus, Palo Alto
Pat Marriott, Los Altos
Stepheny McGraw, Palo Alto
Karen McNay, Palo Alto
David Meinhardt, Palo Alto
Karen Meiswinkel, Half Moon Bay
Lillion Miller, Palo Alto
Neal Miller, Sherman Oaks
Wolfgang Moehler, Menlo Park
Lycdmila Moorehead, Palo Alto
Teresa Morris, Los Altos
Marge Mueller, Los Altos Hills
Cathy Murphy, Palo Alto
Tiffany Oda, San Francisco
Terry Oldberg, Los Altos Hills
Jacquelyn Parker, Moss Beach
Lorraine Amirian Parker, Palo Alto
Carol Petty, Los Altos Hills
Meredith Phillips, Palo Alto
Roberta Phillips, Los Altos
Cyndel Podich, Los Altos
Evelyn Preston, Palo Alto
Duffy Price, Los Altos Hills
Ron & Gloria Pyszka, Palo Alto
Bob Reed, Los Altos
Corinne Renaud, Palo Alto
Annette Ross, Palo Alto
Linda Sadunas, Menlo Park
Rebecca Sanders, Palo Alto
Jan Schachter, Portola Valley
David Schrom, Palo Alto
Carol Scott, Palo Alto
Charles Shao, Los Altos Hills
Wei Si, Palo Alto
Debbie Skelton, Los Altos
Andrea Smith, Palo Alto
Fan Tan Smith, Milpitas
Richard Staehnke, Palo Alto
Christine & Jonas Stafford, Palo Alto
Dan Stegnick, Pacifica
Kenneth Streib, Palo Alto
Jan Strohecker, Palo Alto
Yixin Su, Palo Alto
Doria Summa, Palo Alto
John Swan, Los Altos Hills
Jack Tomlin, Los Altos
Sophie Tsang, Palo Alto
Jocelyn Tseng, Palo Alto
Audrey Vaggione, Saratoga
Angelica Volterra, Palo Alto
Rahul Vasanth, Cupertino
Mike Wallau, Palo Alto
Jim Wang, Palo Alto
Lisa Warren, Cupertino
Freddie K. Wheeler, Los Altos
Raymond Wheeler, Los Altos
Kathy Woempner, Los Altos Hills
ChinChung (John) Won, Los Altos
Jean Wren, Palo Alto
Katherine Wurzburg, Los Altos
Xuliang Yan, San Jose
William Yeager, Menlo Park
John Yin, Palo Alto
Arlen Young, Palo Alto
Don Zadeh, Los Altos
Nan Zhong, Palo Alto
Zita Zukowsky, Palo Alto
Jon Zweig, Palo Alto
Endorse Lydia Kou
for State Assembly District 23
We welcome YOUR endorsement of Lydia Kou for State Assembly District 23.
You may write your endorsement statement below or, if you would like to make your statement more personal, you can schedule a Zoom meeting with us and we will record your statement on video. If you want to schedule a video, please let us know what days and times would be convenient for you in the message.