Getting smart about
government spending

While many of us are blessed to live in very prosperous communities, we can’t let that continue to be an excuse for Sacramento politicians to continue to spend our tax dollars frivolously and inefficiently on everything from high speed rail to homeless prevention initiatives that, at best, do nothing to address the root causes of the problem.

We are tired of constantly dumping more and more tax dollars into solutions that seem to yield very little – if any – results. It’s time for Sacramento politicians tighten their belts and get smart about spending.


Do you support changes to CEQA?

CEQA protects our communities from environmental harm. Analysis is essential for making educated decisions about potentially dangerous development impacts. In a very few cases, CEQA has been used to slow or even stop critical projects contributing to rising housing costs.
We must preserve CEQA’s original intent to protect our environment, but I would be in favor of responsible reforms to make sure it is not abused.

Do you support Governor Newsom’s new plan for high-speed rail?

No. The plan is unworkable and the price keeps escalating. There’s no accountability. Linking the Central Valley to Silicon Valley should be the priority, not Bakersfield to Merced. The Governor said he’s working on that key leg to Diridon Station in San Jose. I await more specifics before giving my support.

Do you agree public transit needs public money to keep running?

Many people reply on public transit to get to work. I would not support bailouts unless the agencies agree to cost-cutting reforms and oversight.

Are you in favor of banning gas appliances in homes?

I support the goal, but we have to ensure our power grid can support all electric appliances and we have to provide financial support so low income households can afford the switch. Similarly, we have to make sure there are enough charging stations across the state to incent EV purchases.

What is your position on charter schools?

I do not support for-profit charter schools. I support high-quality public charter schools, which are sometimes the only alternative for parents in very low-income communities.
I want to lift up every child by ensuring a comprehensive education through high school, whether at a traditional public school or public charter. Every school should maintain the highest standards and we should not be afraid to revoke charters of failing schools.

Do you support expanding early childhood education?

Yes. Investment in early education decreases costs later down the line. Studies show pre-K education leads to higher test scores and reduces chances of kids being held back a grade. It also lowers the odds of special education placements.
We need to establish comprehensive early learning standards and ensure smooth transitions from pre-K to kindergarten. Pre-K teachers should receive training, support and compensation comparable to K-12 teachers.

What’s your position on critical race theory?

That’s a hot-button provocative term that’s polarizing parents and teachers. Children should be taught the truth about our history.