
WE NEED REAL CHANGE. Addressing the Insanity of Street Homelessness When it comes to solving our state’s homelessness crisis, we know the answers – politicians just aren’t delivering. We need both long-term and short-term solutions. Short-term we need to look at...

Government Spending

WE NEED REAL CHANGE. Getting smart aboutgovernment spending While many of us are blessed to live in very prosperous communities, we can’t let that continue to be an excuse for Sacramento politicians to continue to spend our tax dollars frivolously and inefficiently on...

Community Safety

WE NEED REAL CHANGE. Keeping our communities safe Ensuring public safety is one of the core responsibilities of our elected leaders. And in many circumstances, we work to keep our communities safe and be compassionate at the same time. For example, if someone who is...

Local Democracy

WE NEED REAL CHANGE. Stopping the politicians who are taking away local democracy Sacramento isn’t working for regular people – it’s time to shake things up.   It works for the big donors, special interests and career politicians – but it doesn’t work for the...
Statewide Initiative POSTPONED Until 2024

Statewide Initiative POSTPONED Until 2024

The Our Neighborhood Voices initiative team has just informed us that the initiative will be ‘pivoting’ to 2024.  Palo Alto has been a superstar in all ways, but we need to ramp up the magic that is here to many more places in our state to make this...
Mill Valley Mayor Disputes SB-9 Claims by Sen. McGuire

Mill Valley Mayor Disputes SB-9 Claims by Sen. McGuire

The Devil is in the details… On three separate times during the CO$TMarin webinar, one of the panelists, State Senator Mike McGuire, who was a co-author of SB9, stated that the new law allowed cities to deed restrict the new lot-split properties ‘in...